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A member registered Aug 29, 2021

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no thats the end

i can try and remove it in the code

Its a feature in scratch so it asks for microphone even though the game doesn't use it.

Great game! :D. Fits the theme well.

Nice video. I should make the features more visible to people who haven't played the game before. There are lots of features in the menu.

(2 edits)

it shouldn't be slow because it is converted to java. Do you mean the sprites would wobble when you move or lag or something like that?

Items have now been added to the wiki Items | Poreger Wiki | Fandom

I fixed the camera lag and added a hit noise for next update

Scratch has confusing layering of sprites bit I will try to fix



The items have not been added to the wiki yet. Very nice review :)

You can change the volume of the sfx in the settings.

I have fixed most of the issues you have mentioned above in the next update :)

:/ any more information?

I have found and fixed the bug that deletes bullets when you spam click(if this is what you were talking about)

the weapons are more balanced in the next update which will release as soon as the jam is over!

You can adjust the SFX volume in the settings.


If you go to the settings in the menu, there are options for 'auto-target' and 'auto-shoot'. Try those.

i am not experiencing any issues with the starting staff :/ But i think i know what you were experiencing.

Added a controls button :)

Cool game, the movement controls wouldn't work for me until i reset the game a few times and the bullets of enemies could go through walls sometimes.

(1 edit)

I changed it to mana now :) Thanks for the good suggestion.

No it is not procedeuraly generated, the empty rooms will have things in them in later updates. I do want to add an random generated dungeon mode though.

The empty rooms will have enemy battles in them in later updates

Haha if you think the boss is easy try it in bruh difficulty

Thanks for your comment. We ran out of time to add a proper ending :( I agree the bruh difficulty should have more 'bruh' in it.

Yeah the sword needs a buff, I could also make it break enemy projectiles ^-^

I'm glad you thought this was the best one :)

haha nice game. Quite unlike any other.

Thanks for your feedback. We will definitely carry on working on this, there is lots planned! I will add a notification when you pick up an item.

Thanks for your great suggestion, we are happy that you enjoyed the game!